The Crate

Crates in games are much like a living fossil now; they have been around for a looooong time, and a lot has since been written about crates in video games. There are even art projects about this trope. Everything about crates in games has been said. But not by me. Onwards!


Tools are an important part of game making. I am not talking about those “big” tools that come with your engine of choice, rather there are many little things over the course of making a game that can be automated. Here’s a little overview of the tools I coded and/or planning to make for myself…

How to prepare for the Ludum Dare Game Jam

Three times a year, there’s Ludum Dare happening, the event where you task yourself to create a game in 48 hours. That’s a pretty tough limitation! However, here are my personal suggestions and recommendations how to make it.